
Wednesday 05.06.20

Crew! Let’s kick that motivation into high gear! I know we still have to wait to get in the gym, but we can still work hard and motivate each other!


“Macho Taco”

5 Rounds x AMRAP 3: 
60 Double Unders
20 Jumping Lunges (total)
Max Rounds of Dumbbell “Macho Man” 

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds 

1 Round of Dumbbell “Macho Man” (each side)
3 Power Cleans 
3 Front Squats
3 Shoulder to Overhead


The gym will open on Monday, May18th! We will send out more information soon!

Stay motivated! Stay inspired! Stay healthy! Stay hydrated! Keep moving!!

We are in this together! We got this!!!

Remember Every Friday is R.E.D Shirt Friday!


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