
R.E.D Shirt Friday 12.06.19

Leah, Layken and Lily wear their Christmas themed RED shirts to show support for our military! Every Friday we encourage our members to wear a R.E.D shirt to Remember Everyone Deployed.


For time:

200m run

2 min rest

400m run

2 min rest

600m run

2 min rest

800m run

2 min rest

600m run

2 min rest

400m run

2 min rest

200m run

Post total time (including rests) to results.


Friday, December 20 at 6:30PM – FFCF Christmas Party and dinner!

Saturday, Dec. 21 at 9AM – 12 Days of Christmas Workout!

Saturday, Dec. 21 at 10:30 – Mobility and Mimosas

Remember Every Friday is R.E.D Shirt Friday!


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