🗓 SAVE THE DATE! 🗓 The DEXA ScanVan is coming back to FFCF on Saturday May 22!
When you get a DEXA Scan, you are investing in:
🔸 An accurate & detailed analysis of your body composition
🔸 Knowledge about your body fat percentage, muscle mass and bone density
🔸 A baseline of where you are if you haven’t had a DEXA Scan in the past
🔸 A great way to check in on your goals if you have!
🔸 Invaluable information if you participated in the New Year Jumpstart or plan to join the Summer Jumpstart!!! 🤩🤩🤩
Appointment times will open soon! Watch for the newsletter and email us at info@flyingfortresscrossfit.com with any questions!
#flyingfortresscrossfit #ffcf #goals #goalsetting #dexa #dexascan #compositionid #houston #galveston #galvestoncrossfit #galvestonisland #galvestonweightlifting #jumpstart