
Wednesday 09.23.2020


Welcome to the last full week of our quarterly Jumpstart program!! This week, we’re learning about great alternatives to macro tracking πŸ₯—, the importance of your environment 🏠, prepping and planning meals πŸ—“, sleep 😴, hydration πŸ’¦, and our good friend accountability πŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸ€β€πŸ‘©πŸ½!

It’s never too late to join the Jumpstart. πŸ˜‰ You can go at your own pace and revisit the content as often as you want! Email us at to learn more!!

#ffcfnutrition #flyingfortresscrossfit #teamwag #wagwednesday #wagaffiliate #workingagainstgravity #nutrition #nutritionmatters #jointhejumpstart #macrotracking #macros #wellness


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