
Thursday 02.27.20

Monday, March 2 our Beginner CrossFit Program begins!

This program will focus on the fundamental movements we find in our daily classes PLUS daily nutritional guidance through our “March Jumpstart”. 

Classes will meet on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 5:30PM. 
The cost is $150! Once the program is completed, $50 will go towards your next month’s tuition!!
Sign up here!

Please contact Kara if you have any questions!!!

**If you are a current member and still new to CrossFit, you are welcome to join these classes as part of your membership. 

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100′ Walking Lunge

1 Rope Climb

15 Slam Balls (30/20)

1 Rope Climb


March 1 – Spring Nutrition Jumpstart Begins

March 1 – DEXA ScanVan Returns to FFCF + Nutrition Seminar w/ Coach Jess

March 2 – 4 Week Beginner CrossFit Program Starts!

Tuesday/Thursday at 5AM – NEW High Intensity Cardio Class!

Remember Every Friday is R.E.D Shirt Friday!

Stay up to date with all things FFCF by subscribing to our newsletter!


Schedule your
free intro

Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.

fill out this form to get started >>

Take the first step towards getting the results that you want!