Congratulations to FFCF crew member, Marc Healy!! This guy threw down at Battle of the Badges this past weekend and won his boxing match. 💪🏼🙌🏼💪🏼We are proud of all his hard work in the gym, but more importantly, the work he puts in protecting our community as a Galveston County Deputy Sheriff. We love having Marc and Brianna in the FFCF family!
Keep up the great work!!
For time:
30 clean & jerks (135/95)
*5 burpees after every 5 reps
Wednesday, Nov. 27 – 10AM class only
Closed on Thanksgiving Day
Friday, Nov 29. – 10AM class only
Save the Date:
Friday, December 20 – FFCF Christmas Party and dinner!
Remember Every Friday is R.E.D Shirt Friday!
Remember Everyone Deployed