Congratulations to FFCF crew member, Marc Healy!! This guy threw down at Battle of the Badges this past weekend and won his boxing match. ????????????????????????We are proud of all his hard work in the gym, but more importantly, the work he puts in protecting our community as a Galveston County Deputy Sheriff. We love having Marc and Brianna in the FFCF family!
Keep up the great work!!
For time:
30 clean & jerks (135/95)
*5 burpees after every 5 reps
Wednesday, Nov. 27 – 10AM class only
Closed on Thanksgiving Day
Friday, Nov 29. – 10AM class only
Save the Date:
Friday, December 20 – FFCF Christmas Party and dinner!
Remember Every Friday is R.E.D Shirt Friday!
Remember Everyone Deployed