
Wednesday 08.29.18


For time: (155/105)
3 rounds of:
  3 bar muscle-ups
  5 snatches
Then, 3 rounds of:
  15 deadlifts
  30 squats
Then, 3 rounds of:
 3 bar muscle-ups
  5 cleans


 “BRING A FRIEND DAY” – Saturday, September 1st. This is open to CrossFit and Bootcamp members! Class will be at 8AM!

Tim Swords Olympic Lifting Clinic – Saturday, September 8 at 10 AM – 2 PM

CrossFit For Kids: Saved by the Barbell – Saturday, September 22 at 9AM

Fortress Fit BOOTCAMP classes meet Monday, Tuesday & Thursday at 6PM. Check it out or tell a friend!!

Don’t forget to sign up for class! AND enter your results in Zen Planner!

Check out Programs for more information.


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